Become A Member of NAMI Acadiana Today
Click Here To Join Today. Or Contact to join locally or for more information.
By supporting the National Alliance on Mental Illness through your membership or donations, you are positively improving the life of someone in need. When people have the resources and the support they need, things become a little bit brighter. Becoming a member of NAMI Acadiana also includes membership of NAMI Louisiana and NAMI (National) organizations. When joining online, choose NAMI Acadiana as your affiliate.
Hope starts with you!

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Be a NAMI Member
10. It doesn’t cost a lot. $40 is all it takes to join NAMI. It costs even less with an open door membership. Both available online at
9. Discounts. Receive member-only discounts in the NAMI Store and reduced registration fees for the NAMI National Convention.
8. Excellent Articles. The NAMi Advocate magazine and access to online member-only content and subscriptions to online newsletters and reports provide important and timely information.
7. Wide-spread assistance. Each NAMI membership benefits an extensive network of NAMi Affiliates and NAMI State Organizations as well as the national educational programs and advocacy alerts.
6. Connect with social media. OK2Talk, create new, important, virtual ways to share, learn, receive encouragement, and start a conversation at Membership dollars help keep these channels open. Connect with
5. Fight stigma. Membership helps NAMI to present more than 8,000 stigma-busting community awareness presentations each year like NAMI In Our Own Voice.
4. Aid the NAMI Help Line. Membership dues keep the NAMI Help Line phones and emails answered. The HelpLine provides information, resource refferals and peer support to more than 50,000 people each year. 800-950-NAMI
3. Keep programming free. Membership helps ensure that NAMI’s programs like NAMI Basics, NAMI Family-To-Family, NAMI Family Support Groups and NAMI Connection stay free to anyone wanting to attend.
2. People will listen. The voices of NAMI members strengthen the organization’s impact with local, state and national leaders and legislatures to spread awareness, shape legislation and remove stigmas.
1 Because NAMI’s mission is to imporve the lives of people affected by mental illness. If this is your passion too, NAMI is where you belong.